Good luck to the Performing Arts groups 🙂


Rehearsal will take place on afternoon of Monday 20th November.  Pupils go to their P6 class to register and then come to the Assembly Hall.

Make sure you have everything you need for your presentation with you, any props, PowerPoints, instruments, etc. and if you have video clips to show then these need to be embedded fully into your PowerPoint rather than relying on internet links.

It will be full rehearsal so have your scripts with you and also know who is speaking as you will also practice with microphones.

The order of programme for Wednesday evening (and rehearsal) is as follows:

  1. U15 Girls Football Squad
  2. R104 Break and Lunch Club
  3. Hockey Club
  4. Meldrum Mechs (Young Engineers)
  5. PDA
  6. The Amazing Music Department
  7. Netball Club
  8. Crafting Bee
  9. Junior Drama Club
  10. U15 Boys Football Squad
  11. Eco Group

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